Bachelor of Fine Arts

My initial degree was in Fine Arts (Painting) where I had the freedom to develop my creativity,  problem solve and enjoy the freedom of expression while learning about the traditional methods and materials of painting.

Bachelor of Education

During my time at the University of Toronto, (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) I collaborated with colleagues and schools on in various educational settings. I graduated with a degree in Primary/Junior Education.

Canadian Certified Teacher

As an Ontario Certified Teacher, I am licensed to work anywhere in Canada. 

International Educator Certificate - Middle Years

This diploma attests to the knowledge I gained from Category 1 IB specific study in the Middle Years Programme at the University of Windsor, Canada.

IBCTL / IBEC - IB myp Certificate in Teaching and Learning

This diploma attests to the knowledge I gained from Category 1 IB specific study in the Middle Years Programme. It is my most recent professional development certificate granting me access to the IBEC community and resources.

Language Interpreting and Translation

Being a language interpreter in legal and medical settings helped me build the skills needed to be an effective listener and communicator. I learned about the importance of pacing, language registers and choosing words carefully and deliberately. 

Mathnasium llc Certified Centre Director

During my time at Mathnasium, I learned about the value of individualised learning plans as well as the importance of scaffolding, building self-confidence in students and defeating learned helpnessness. I helped "Math make sense" to students and trained other teachers on sequencing the teaching of concepts in a logical way.